Varicose veins: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

compression underwear for varicose veins

Today varicose veins are a very common disease. That is why many different methods have been created to carry out preventive measures and eliminate the problem.

Among the non-drug treatment methods, there are medical anti-varicose compression socks. Such jerseys for varicose veins are usually made of special fibers. It has very high strength and stretches very well. Thanks to the effect of compression on the surface of the foot, it is possible to prevent the walls of the veins from further stretching. In addition to this constant compression effect, it increases the outflow of venous and lymphatic blood from the legs. Blood congestion is a major cause of painful pulling pain in the lower legs, especially when doing various jobs.

Elastic anti-varicose medical stockings are indicated in case of disease, for preventive measures. Depending on the purpose of using the knitting device, several options for socks can be distinguished:

  • Preventive medical jersey. They have a mild degree of compression and are intended for preventative measures.
  • Medical anti-varicose compression stockings. This version of anti-varicose compression socks is intended for the treatment of various forms of varicose veins. Healing anti-varicose stockings are considered at second and higher compression ratios.

Why are anti varicose medical compression stockings effective in treating the disease?

To get results in the removal of varicose veins, it is necessary to use complex methods of treatment. Elastic medical stockings for varicose veins are one of the complex methods of treatment, along with special preparations, they allow you to feel light on your legs, eliminating the manifestations of varicose veins. Of course, it all depends on the stage of development of the disease. Since when serious pathological changes in the deep veins appear, it is necessary to use surgical treatment methods. In this case, varicose stockings can not help in the treatment of the disease.

To prevent the appearance of varicose veins in case of such a tendency, anti-varicose medical elastic stockings with a slight degree of compression can be used. In this case, it is important to take into account the type of lifestyle you are living. Because for more active people, stockings are not an easy choice. Medical anti-varicose compression jersey in the form of golf is more suitable for active lifestyle. This version of underwear assumes an active lifestyle, allows you to move, does not impede movement.

Medical anti-varicose compression socks can be used to eliminate the effects of varicose veins. Among these, the presence of leg edema, as well as poor venous blood outflow, can be distinguished. To combat this manifestation, it is necessary to use elastic medical compression socks above the second level of compression. In this case, the doctor should choose anti-varicose compression socks. Because only based on the results of the analysis it is possible to clearly determine the choice of compression ratio.

What to consider when choosing anti varicose compression socks?

When choosing medical elastic stockings for varicose veins, it is important to be guided by the manufacturer’s mark. For example, in the case of a recommendation to use second -degree compression compression garments, it is important to ask your doctor about the value in millimeters of mercury. Because of this value it is possible to estimate the actual level of compression of the leg wall with elastic knitwear. Some manufacturers use different metrics when classifying products according to compression ratios. Therefore, for different knitwear, this indicator, with the same amount of pressure on the package, may actually be different.

Medical compression socks must be selected according to size. Typically, manufacturers themselves offer size charts for medical elastic underwear. Based on the measurements of the circumference of the lower legs and thighs, you can determine the version of the product. Anti-varicose compression socks must be appropriate. Too much compression will cause discomfort during product use, and too little pressure will not allow a therapeutic effect to be achieved.

Elastic stockings from varicose veins allow you to keep the disease from developing. However, it will not be able to return the foot to its previous state. Therefore, it is important to use other medical methods to treat varicose veins to achieve more noticeable results.

Why are anti varicose underwear effective?

The effectiveness of anti-varicose compression knitwear is shown due to the presence of elastic fibers in its composition. The elastic fibers allow squeezing of the walls of the feet, along with the walls of the blood vessels. It is because of the stretching of the walls of the vessel that they expand. Therefore, varicose blood is always maintained and circulates poorly in the limbs. Along with this, various symptoms of varicose veins occur, for example, swelling of the legs and heaviness. Anti-varicose knitwear allows you to create moderate pressure on the walls of blood vessels to improve blood circulation. First, microcirculation is improved. Tissues are more saturated with nutrients that were previously deficient.

Second, during the use of elastic knitted stockings from varicose veins, the pressure is distributed from the bottom up. This allows you to squeeze venous blood effectively, preventing stagnation. Similarly, it happens with lymph. Therefore, edema disappears when using this method of treating varicose veins.

Medical compression stockings in the postoperative period help, as the walls of the veins can be re -stretched. Due to the effect of moderate compression of the elastic material, it is possible to avoid recurrence of varicose veins.

The preventive effect is reduced to prevent stretching of the venous wall due to moderate compression.